Work For Us
Does working with dogs sound like your dream job?
We want to hear from you.
We’re always looking for talented and passionate people to join our team. Whilst our job isn’t as quite as easy as ‘cuddling dogs all day’, we LOVE what we do and we think you will too.
Become a dog walker.
Part time or full time available.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 2pm
We are currently looking for a part time employee to work on Mondays and Tuesdays, but will entertain full time applications too - we’re always on the lookout for great people!
Job responsibilities include:
Driving one of our dedicated vans to pick up and drop off the dogs.
Walking a pack of up to 6 dogs, incorporating training into every walk.
Taking care of the dogs as if they were your own, looking out for their safety, ensuring their welfare and cleaning them if they get muddy.
Communicating with clients daily.
Representing the business in a friendly and professional manner - we regard ourselves as a top quality service and we want you to feel that way too.
We really do love our jobs, but we want to emphasise that dog walking is much harder work than most people think! Because we put a lot of effort into ensuring the dogs’ good behaviour, our walks are not a free-for-all and require you to actively participate and focus. It is a very physical job and there is a lot of driving. Sometimes we get beautiful weather! But sometimes the weather is miserable. One thing we can guarantee is that you will feel like you’re part of a team, and you will be very valued in our small business.
What we’re looking for:
The ‘outdoorsy type’. We mean it, this job is a lot of time outdoors, and we do get rained on quite a bit. We want to know that this won’t bother you!
Experience walking two or more dogs (they can be your own, or family dogs).
Passion! This is a hard, physical job. We love it because we’re passionate! We want to see that passion in you, because then we know you’ll love it too.
A good understanding of technology. A lot of our business is technology based, we need to know that you know your way around a phone camera and can get to grips with our app.
Professionalism and attention to detail.
Safe, responsible driving and a clean UK driving licence.
We will seek to get you relevant qualifications and experience as and when we deem appropriate and necessary. If your application is successful, you will be subject to a DBS check.
Competitive salary, circa £20k for a full time position. Enquire to find out more.
Become a dog trainer.
Part time or full time available.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm
Please note, the schedule varies according to the bookings. You are welcome to apply for part time or full time work.
Every trainer is required to also be a dog walker as we feel that our pack walk service is invaluable not only to the well roundedness of each dog, but also beautifully compliments your knowledge of dog training by immersing you in time spent working hands-on with a variety of breeds.
Job responsibilities include:
Delivering professional and personalised dog training advice to clients in 1:1 sessions on a range of pet dog behavioural topics.
Working 1:1 with puppies, completing puppy socialisation packages where you will carefully and conscientiously socialise a puppy to their environment.
Teaching 1:1 puppy training classes that correctly set puppies up to succeed as adult dogs.
Representing the business in a friendly and professional manner - we regard ourselves as a top quality service and we want you to feel that way too.
What we’re looking for:
Your dog is your product, so whilst we understand that your journey may not be complete yet, we want to know that you put lots of effort into training your own dog.
Passion! This is a hard, physical job. We love it because we’re passionate! We want to see that passion in you, because then we know you’ll love it too.
Creativity and open mindedness. We work with clients coming from a variety of viewpoints, and we pride ourselves on being emotionally literate and empathetic with them.
A good understanding of technology. A lot of our business is technology based, we need to know that you know your way around a phone camera and can get to grips with our app.
Professionalism and attention to detail.
We will seek to get you relevant qualifications and experience as and when we deem appropriate and necessary. If your application is successful, you will be subject to a DBS check.
Competitive salary, £26k-£32k for a full time position. Enquire to find out more.